"""API's module.
Extend pandas.DataFrames with the main functions from statistics and
inequality modules.
import inspect
from types import MethodType
from functools import partial
import pandas as pd
from . import inequality, statistics
[docs]class Convey:
def __init__(
self.df = pd.DataFrame(data=data, index=index, columns=columns, **kw)
self.weights = weights
self.group = group
self._attach_method(statistics, self)
self._attach_method(inequality, self)
[docs] def _constructor(self):
return Survey
[docs] def _attach_method(module, instance):
# get methods names contained in module
res_names = list()
res_methods = []
method_name_list = inspect.getmembers(module, inspect.isfunction)
for method_name, func in method_name_list:
# if method_name.startswith('_'): continue # avoid private methods
func = getattr(module, method_name) # get function
if (
"weights" in inspect.signature(func).parameters
): # replace weights variable
func = partial(func, weights=instance.weights)
# func = partial(func, data=instance.data)
func = MethodType(func, instance)
setattr(instance, method_name, func)
[docs]class Survey:
"""Survey it's a data structure that handles survey data.
df : pandas.DataFrame
weights : str
group : str
atkinson(income=None, weights=None, e=0.5)
Calculate Atkinson's index.
avg_tax_rate(total_tax=None, total_base=None, weights=None)
Calculate average tax rate.
c_moment(variable=None, weights=None, order=2, param=None, ddof=0)
Calculate central momment.
coef_variation(variable=None, weights=None)
Calculate coefficient of variation.
concentration(income=None, weights=None, sort=True)
Calculate concentration's index.
density(variable=None, weights=None, groups=None)
Calculate density.
gini(income=None, weights=None, sort=True)
Calculate Gini's index.
kakwani(tax=None, income_pre_tax=None, weights=None)
Calculate Kakwani's index.
kurt(variable=None, weights=None)
Calculate Kurtosis.
lorenz(income=None, weights=None)
Calculate Lorenz curve.
mean(variable=None, weights=None)
Calculate mean.
percentile(variable=None, weights=None, p=50, interpolate="lower")
Calculate percentile.
reynolds_smolensky(income_pre_tax=None, income_post_tax=None, weights=None)
Calculate Reynolds-Smolensky's index.
skew(variable=None, weights=None)
Calculate Skew.
std_moment(variable=None, weights=None, param=None, order=3, ddof=0)
Calculate standard deviation.
theil(income=None, weights=None)
Calculate Theil's index.
var(variable=None, weights=None, ddof=0)
Calculate variance.
def __init__(
self.df = pd.DataFrame(data=data, index=index, columns=columns, **kw)
self.weights = weights
self.group = group
[docs] def c_moment(self, variable, weights=None, order=2, param=None, ddof=0):
"""Calculate central momment.
Calculate the central moment of `x` with respect to `param` of order
`n`, given the weights `w`.
variable : 1d-array
weights : 1d-array
order : int, optional
Moment order, 2 by default (variance)
param : int or array, optional
Parameter for which the moment is calculated, the default is None,
implies use the mean.
ddof : int, optional
Degree of freedom, zero by default.
central_moment : float
- The cmoment of order 1 is 0
- The cmoment of order 2 is the variance.
Source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moment_(mathematics)
Implement: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L-moment#cite_note-wang:96-6
data = self.df
if weights is None:
weights = self.weights
return statistics.c_moment(variable, weights, data, order, param, ddof)
[docs] def percentile(self, variable, weights=None, p=50, interpolate="lower"):
"""Calculate the value of a quantile given a variable and his weights.
data : pd.DataFrame, optional
pd.DataFrame that contains all variables needed.
variable : str or array
weights : str or array
q : float
Quantile level, if pass 0.5 means median.
interpolate : bool
percentile : float or pd.Series
data = self.df
if weights is None:
weights = self.weights
return statistics.percentile(variable, weights, data, p, interpolate)
[docs] def std_moment(self, variable, weights=None, param=None, order=3, ddof=0):
"""Calculate the standardized moment.
Calculate the standardized moment of order `c` for the variable` x`
with respect to `c`.
data : pd.DataFrame, optional
pd.DataFrame that contains all variables needed.
variable : 1d-array
Random Variable
weights : 1d-array, optional
Weights or probability
order : int, optional
Order of Moment, three by default
param : int or float or array, optional
Central trend, default is the mean.
ddof : int, optional
Degree of freedom.
std_moment : float
Returns the standardized `n` order moment.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moment_(mathematics)#Significance_
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standardized_moment
It is the general case of the raw and central moments. Review
data = self.df
if weights is None:
weights = self.weights
return statistics.std_moment(
variable, weights, data, param, order, ddof
[docs] def mean(self, variable, weights=None):
"""Calculate the mean of `variable` given `weights`.
variable : array-like or str
Variable on which the mean is estimated.
weights : array-like or str
Weights of the `x` variable.
data : pandas.DataFrame
Is possible pass a DataFrame with variable and weights, then you
must pass as `variable` and `weights` the column name stored in
mean : array-like or float
# if pass a DataFrame separate variables.
data = self.df
if weights is None:
weights = self.weights
return statistics.mean(variable, weights, data)
[docs] def density(self, variable, weights=None, groups=None):
"""Calculate density in percentage.
This make division of variable inferring width in groups as max - min.
data : pd.DataFrame, optional
pandas.DataFrame that contains all variables needed.
variable : array-like, optional
weights : array-like, optional
groups : array-like, optional
density : array-like
Histogram. (2017, May 9). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.
Retrieved: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Histogram
data = self.df
if weights is None:
weights = self.weights
return statistics.density(variable, weights, groups, data)
[docs] def var(self, variable, weights=None, ddof=0):
"""Calculate the population variance of `variable` given `weights`.
data : pd.DataFrame, optional
pd.DataFrame that contains all variables needed.
variable : 1d-array or pd.Series or pd.DataFrame
Variable on which the quasivariation is estimated
weights : 1d-array or pd.Series or pd.DataFrame
Weights of the `variable`.
variance : 1d-array or pd.Series or float
Estimation of quasivariance of `variable`
Moment (mathematics). (2017, May 6). In Wikipedia, The Free
Retrieved 14:40, May 15, 2017, from
If stratificated sample must pass with groupby each strata.
data = self.df
if weights is None:
weights = self.weights
return statistics.var(variable, weights, data, ddof)
[docs] def coef_variation(self, variable, weights=None):
"""Calculate the coefficient of variation.
The coefficient of variation is the square root of the variance of the
incomes divided by the mean income. It has the advantages of being
mathematically tractable and is subgroup decomposable, but is not
bounded from above.
data : pandas.DataFrame
variable : array-like or str
weights : array-like or str
coefficient_variation : float
Coefficient of variation. (2017, May 5). In Wikipedia, The Free
Retrieved 15:03, May 15, 2017, from
# TODO complete docstring
data = self.df
if weights is None:
weights = self.weights
return statistics.coef_variation(variable, weights, data)
[docs] def kurt(self, variable, weights=None):
"""Calculate the asymmetry coefficient.
variable : 1d-array
w : 1d-array
kurt : float
Kurtosis coefficient.
Moment (mathematics). (2017, May 6). In Wikipedia, The Free
Retrieved 14:40, May 15, 2017, from
It is an alias of the standardized fourth-order moment.
data = self.df
if weights is None:
weights = self.weights
return statistics.kurt(variable, weights, data)
[docs] def skew(self, variable, weights=None):
"""Return the asymmetry coefficient of a sample.
data : pandas.DataFrame
variable : array-like, str
weights : array-like, str
skew : float
Moment (mathematics). (2017, May 6). In Wikipedia, The Free
Retrieved 14:40, May 15, 2017, from
It is an alias of the standardized third-order moment.
data = self.df
if weights is None:
weights = self.weights
return statistics.skew(variable, weights, data)
# ----------
[docs] def concentration(self, income, weights=None, sort=True):
"""Calculate concentration index.
This function calculate the concentration index, according to the
notation used in [Jenkins1988]_ you can calculate the:
C_x = 2 / x · cov(x, F_x)
if x = g(x) then C_x becomes C_y
when there are taxes:
y = g(x) = x - t(x)
income : array-like
weights : array-like
data : pandas.DataFrame
sort : bool
concentration : array-like
Jenkins, S. (1988). Calculating income distribution indices
from micro-data. National Tax Journal. http://doi.org/10.2307/41788716
# TODO complete docstring
data = self.df
if weights is None:
weights = self.weights
return inequality.concentration(income, weights, data, sort)
[docs] def lorenz(self, income, weights=None):
"""Calculate lorenz curve.
In economics, the Lorenz curve is a graphical representation of the
distribution of income or of wealth. It was developed by Max O. Lorenz
in 1905 for representing grouped of the wealth distribution. This
function compute the lorenz curve and returns a DF with two columns of
axis x and y.
data : pandas.DataFrame
A pandas.DataFrame that contains data.
income : str or 1d-array, optional
Population or wights, if a DataFrame is passed then `income` should
be a name of the column of DataFrame, else can pass a pandas.Series
or array.
weights : str or 1d-array
Income, monetary variable, if a DataFrame is passed then `y`is a
name of the series on this DataFrame, however, you can pass a
pd.Series or np.array.
lorenz : pandas.Dataframe
Lorenz distribution in a Dataframe with two columns, labeled x and
y, that corresponds to plots axis.
Lorenz curve. (2017, February 11). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.
Retrieved 14:34, May 15, 2017, from
data = self.df
if weights is None:
weights = self.weights
return inequality.lorenz(income, weights, data)
[docs] def gini(self, income, weights=None, sort=True):
"""Calculate Gini's index.
The Gini coefficient (sometimes expressed as a Gini ratio or a
normalized Gini index) is a measure of statistical dispersion intended
to represent the income or wealth distribution of a nation's residents,
and is the most commonly used measure of grouped. It was developed by
Corrado Gini.
The Gini coefficient measures the grouped among values of a frequency
distribution (for example, levels of income). A Gini coefficient of
zero expresses perfect equality, where all values are the same (for
example, where everyone has the same income). A Gini coefficient of 1
(or 100%) expresses maximal grouped among values (e.g., for a large
number of people, where only one person has all the income or
consumption, and all others have none, the Gini coefficient will be
very nearly one).
data : pandas.DataFrame
DataFrame that contains the data.
income : str or np.array, optional
Name of the monetary variable `x` in` df`
weights : str or np.array, optional
Name of the series containing the weights `x` in` df`
sorted : bool, optional
If the DataFrame is previously ordered by the variable `x`, it's
must pass True, but False by default.
gini : float
Gini Index Value.
The calculation is done following (discrete probability distribution):
G = 1 - [∑_i^n f(y_i)·(S_{i-1} + S_i)]
- y_i = Income
- S_i = ∑_{j=1}^i y_i · f(y_i)
- Gini coefficient. (2017, May 8). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.
Retrieved 14:30, May 15, 2017, from
- Jenkins, S. (1988). Calculating income distribution indices
from micro-data. National Tax Journal. http://doi.org/10.2307/41788716
- Implement statistical deviation calculation, VAR (GINI)
data = self.df
if weights is None:
weights = self.weights
return inequality.gini(income, weights, data, sort)
[docs] def atkinson(self, income, weights=None, e=0.5):
"""Calculate Atkinson index.
More precisely labelled a family of income grouped measures, the
theoretical range of Atkinson values is 0 to 1, with 0 being a state of
equal distribution.
An intuitive interpretation of this index is possible: Atkinson values
can be used to calculate the proportion of total income that would be
required to achieve an equal level of social welfare as at present if
incomes were perfectly distributed.
For example, an Atkinson index value of 0.20 suggests
that we could achieve the same level of social welfare with only
1 – 0.20 = 80% of income. The theoretical range of Atkinson values is 0
to 1, with 0 being a state of equal distribution.
income : array or str
If `data` is none `income` must be an 1D-array, when `data` is a
pd.DataFrame, you must pass the name of income variable as string.
weights : array or str, optional
If `data` is none `weights` must be an 1D-array, when `data` is a
pd.DataFrame, you must pass the name of weights variable as string.
e : int, optional
Epsilon parameter interpreted by atkinson index as grouped
adversion, must be a number between 0 to 1.
data : pd.DataFrame, optional
data is a pd.DataFrame that contains the variables.
atkinson : float
Atkinson index. (2017, March 12). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.
Retrieved 14:35, May 15, 2017, from
- The results has difference with stata, maybe have a bug.
data = self.df
if weights is None:
weights = self.weights
return inequality.atkinson(income, weights, data, e)
[docs] def kakwani(self, tax, income_pre_tax, weights=None):
"""Calculate kakwani's index.
The Kakwani (1977) index of tax progressivity is defined as twice the
area between the concentration curves for taxes and pre-tax income,
or equivalently, the concentration index for t(x) minus the Gini index
for x, i.e.
K = C(t) - G(x)
= (2/t) cov [t(x), F(x)] - (2/x) cov [x, F(x)].
data : pandas.DataFrame
This variable is a DataFrame that contains all data required in
tax_variable : array-like or str
This variable represent tax payment of person, if pass array-like
then data must be None, else you pass str-name column in `data`.
income_pre_tax : array-like or str
This variable represent income of person, if pass array-like
then data must be None, else you pass str-name column in `data`.
weights : array-like or str
This variable represent weights of each person, if pass array-like
then data must be None, else you pass str-name column in `data`.
kakwani : float
Jenkins, S. (1988). Calculating income distribution indices from
micro-data. National Tax Journal. http://doi.org/10.2307/41788716
# main calc
data = self.df
if weights is None:
weights = self.weights
return inequality.kakwani(tax, income_pre_tax, weights, data)
[docs] def reynolds_smolensky(
self, income_pre_tax, income_post_tax, weights=None
"""Calculate Reynolds-Smolensky's index.
The Reynolds-Smolensky (1977) index of the redistributive effect of
taxes, which can also be interpreted as an index of progressivity
(Lambert 1985), is defined as:
L = Gx - Gy
= [2/x]cov[x,F(x)] - [2/ybar] cov [y, F(y)].
data : pandas.DataFrame
This variable is a DataFrame that contains all data required in
it's columns.
income_pre_tax : array-like or str
This variable represent tax payment of person, if pass array-like
then data must be None, else you pass str-name column in `data`.
income_post_tax : array-like or str
This variable represent income of person, if pass array-like
then data must be None, else you pass str-name column in `data`.
weights : array-like or str
This variable represent weights of each person, if pass array-like
then data must be None, else you pass str-name column in `data`.
reynolds_smolensky : float
Jenkins, S. (1988). Calculating income distribution indices from
micro-data. National Tax Journal. http://doi.org/10.2307/41788716
data = self.df
if weights is None:
weights = self.weights
return inequality.reynolds_smolensky(
income_pre_tax, income_post_tax, weights, data
[docs] def theil(self, income, weights=None):
"""Calculate theil index.
The Theil index is a statistic primarily used to measure economic
grouped and other economic phenomena. It is a special case of the
generalized entropy index. It can be viewed as a measure of redundancy,
lack of diversity, isolation, segregation, grouped, non-randomness, and
compressibility. It was proposed by econometrician Henri Theil.
data : pandas.DataFrame
This variable is a DataFrame that contains all data required in
it's columns.
income : array-like or str
This variable represent tax payment of person, if pass array-like
then data must be None, else you pass str-name column in `data`.
weights : array-like or str
This variable represent weights of each person, if pass array-like
then data must be None, else you pass str-name column in `data`.
theil : float
Theil index. (2016, December 17). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.
Retrieved 14:17, May 15, 2017, from
data = self.df
if weights is None:
weights = self.weights
return inequality.theil(income, weights, data)
[docs] def avg_tax_rate(self, total_tax, total_base, weights=None):
"""Compute the average tax rate given a base income and a total tax.
total_base : str or numpy.array
total_tax : str or numpy.array
data : pd.DataFrame
avg_tax_rate : float or pd.Series
Is the ratio between mean the tax income and base of income.
Panel de declarantes de IRPF 1999-2007: Metodología, estructura y
variables. (2011).
Panel de declarantes de IRPF 1999-2007: Metodología, estructura y
variables. Documentos.
data = self.df
if weights is None:
weights = self.weights
return inequality.avg_tax_rate(total_tax, total_base, weights, data)
[docs] def top_rest(
self, income, weights=None, data=None, top_percentage=10
"""Calculate the 10:90 Ratio.
Calculates the quotient between the number of contributions from the
top 10% of contributors divided by the number contributions made by the
other 90%. The ratio is 1 if the total contributions by the top
contributors are equal to the cotnributions made by the rest; less than
zero if the top 10% contributes less than the rest; and greater that 1
if the top 10% contributes more than the other ninety percent.
income : array-like or str
This variable represent tax payment of person, if pass array-like
then data must be None, else you pass str-name column in `data`.
weights : array-like or str
This variable represent weights of each person, if pass array-like
then data must be None, else you pass str-name column in `data`.
All-ones by default
data : pandas.DataFrame
This variable is a DataFrame that contains all data required in
it's columns.
top_percentage : float
The richest x percent to consider. (10 percent by default)
It must be a number between 0 and 100
ratio : float
Participation Inequality in Wikis: A Temporal Analysis Using WikiChron.
Serrano, Abel & Arroyo, Javier & Hassan, Samer. (2018).
DOI: 10.1145/3233391.3233536.
data = self.df
if weights is None:
weights = self.weights
return inequality.top_rest(income, weights, data, top_percentage)